Author Archives: parker

The Tacoma Twister – June 29, 2024

The Tacoma Twister – Sunset Hill Community Hall  –  June 29, 2024 Our neighborhood association has gotten itself converted into a non-profit entity with a new name (Sunset Hill Community Hall, as above), and the summer barbecue/party was the final … Continue reading

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Concert Truck – June 28, 2024

Concert Truck  –  Washington Park Arboretum  –  June 28, 2024 The final concert in the series, devoted to Romance, took us to yet another previously unvisited venue; music and setting quite pleasant.  Four hands on the piano (Concert Truck co-hosts … Continue reading

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Concert Truck – June 23, 2024

Concert Truck  –  Seward Park  –  June 23, 2024 Our first visit to Seward Park, and a bald eagle flew overhead.  The theme for this concert was Song; from experience we approach with caution, trepidation about it not being so … Continue reading

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Concert Truck – June 20, 2024

Concert Truck – Wedgwood Presbyterian Church – June 20, 2024 This concert marked the return of Seattle Chamber Music Society’s Concert Truck sponsorship.  The theme was Dance (with some improvisations among the interpretations), and ain’t nothing better than Bartok’s Romanian … Continue reading

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Northwest Folklife Festival – 25 May 2024

Northwest Folklife Festival – Seattle Center – 25 May 2024 Seattle Center hosts an annual Folklife Festival, with the performances as sprawling as the campus itself.   I haven’t been there often enough to have mastered the physical layout of the … Continue reading

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Frank Tate and Friends – 12 May 2024

Frank Tate and Friends – Croton Free Library  –  12 May 2024 This concert was the fourth and final show of the Riverview Jazz Series, offered in tribute to the late Manny Albam, a local renowned trombonist, arranger, and director … Continue reading

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Uncle Brother – 27 April 2024

Uncle Brother –  Culture Lab, Long Island City – 27 April 2024 This year’s travel splurge took me back to the east coast, and believe me, I scarfed New York pizza at every opportunity!  Culture Lab ( is a nonprofit … Continue reading

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The Poets – 7 April 2024

The Poets – Ballard Farmers Market  – 7 April 2024 This is like a variation of the buskers, of which the Ballard Farmers Market furnishes an abundance, including Dax Millam, also in this post.  On some Sundays a group of … Continue reading

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Stephanie Porter – 10 February 2024

Stephanie Porter – Sunset Hill Community Association  – 10 February 2024 The venue was the Sunset Hill Community Hall, where I am a regular open mic performer.  Jazz stylist Porter was the entertainment for the annual meeting.  Great pipes, localist-informed … Continue reading

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Carl Christensen & the Local Flora Band – 27 January 2024

Carl Christensen & the Local Flora Band – Conor Byrne Pub, Seattle – 27 January 2024 This was billed as Carl Christensen & the Local Flora Band “Second Crossover Episode”.  The format called for a series of singer/songwriters (including Chistensen … Continue reading

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