Loud & Smart & In Color book tour – Push/Pull – March 6, 2025
Push/Pull (https://www.pushpullseattle.com/) is a combination art supply store/gallery/workshop that also hosts events, such as this one catering to the Comix community. A number of creators were in town for the Emerald City Comic Con, so Maxx (Push/Pull’s macher) arranged to have a some of them come and do readings in association with Alex Krokus’s Loud & Smart & In Color book tour. Yeah, sketches from such are just a series of people holding the microphone, and I was somewhat distracted from the slide show, but at least the readers mostly did voices for the characters, salvaging my entertainment quotient! Oh, the sacrifices we make for art!
Deb JJ Lee, rather than display their artwork, recounted (and documented via screenshots) hilarious convoluted backlash interactions with LinkedIn and a scammer posing as legit therein. I sympathize and also fantasize about wreaking vengenance on the online scum. Beware! Lee’s website warns, “You may not use these images for AI I will find you”. After hearing the story, very believeable, and I wouldn’t mess with it!
https://www.alexkrokus.com/ https://debleeart.com/