Northwest Folklife Festival – 25 May 2024

Northwest Folklife Festival – Seattle Center – 25 May 2024

Seattle Center hosts an annual Folklife Festival, with the performances as sprawling as the campus itself.   I haven’t been there often enough to have mastered the physical layout of the place; between that, the somewhat-lacking signage, and some ambiguously labeled venues, I spent a bit of valuable sketching time trying to locate the performances.  Okay, codger!  Cascade Cody got the most shorted, I arrived for just the two final numbers and rushed through the work (  Mahonyera Mbira Ensemble ( was a deep dive into the music of Zimbabwe’s Shona people; the mbira is like an oversized kalimba (thumb-piano), with the finger action here taking place within a large bowl-like structure, thus obscured from view.  The audience was the most tuned-in, I’m-swaying/dancing-to-my-own-shared-vibe bunch that I saw all day!  Kimball, of the Haida people, offered a Native American take on folk music (  Boyd plays Norwegian trad fiddle music, a different deep dive.  Hard to tell what was most fascinating, his accounts of learning from the masters, his collection of fiddles, or the actual music.  Scandanavian fiddles and players are of a tradition quite distinct from the typical “classical” Cremona-based axe standard.  For starters, some instruments have more than four strings, which  introduces all sorts of possibilities for drone, complex bowing technique, and extensive counterpoint.   All of that sound coming from just one guy and a box?  Dropped my jaw, and I could have easily gobbled a set much longer than the meager 20 minutes that Boyd got.

Cascade Cody

Benny Sidelinger










Sheree Serretse

Claire Jones









Baraka Phillip Page

Zack Moon









Randall Kimball

Bill Boyd


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Frank Tate and Friends – 12 May 2024

Frank Tate and Friends – Croton Free Library  –  12 May 2024

This concert was the fourth and final show of the Riverview Jazz Series, offered in tribute to the late Manny Albam, a local renowned trombonist, arranger, and director of the BMI Composer’s Workshop.  The series was produced by an old friend, Ken Sargeant, with whom I got reunited after at least 50 years, via a convoluted process in which this very blog played a key role.  Back in the day, Tate put in some time as Bobby Short’s bass player during his run at the Cafe Carlyle.  Ash ( showed his versatility with a solo out-of-genre Chopin nocturne.

Tom Melito

Frank Tate






Steve Ash

Andy Farber

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Uncle Brother – 27 April 2024

Uncle Brother –  Culture Lab, Long Island City – 27 April 2024

This year’s travel splurge took me back to the east coast, and believe me, I scarfed New York pizza at every opportunity!  Culture Lab ( is a nonprofit art gallery, performing arts venue, event space and community center, an anchor to which Long Island City, Queens, is moored.  The Uncle Brother group, fronted by Paddy Maguire (, splits the set list between country-inflected originals and classic rock chestnuts (they had me at “Third Stone…”).  Zak is not a band member, he was tending bar while we were waiting for the music to begin.  A performance is a performance, no?

Paddy Maguire

Chris Cuzme









Mark Bordenet

IndoFunk Satish









Danny Zak

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The Poets – 7 April 2024

The Poets – Ballard Farmers Market  – 7 April 2024

This is like a variation of the buskers, of which the Ballard Farmers Market furnishes an abundance, including Dax Millam, also in this post.  On some Sundays a group of poets haul out the chairs, desks, and typewriters and offer their services: provide background and sundry life details, perhaps a specific target person and/or event, and a poem will be conjured within minutes.  Instant indelible improvisation!  In conversation with the evasive Colello, mention was made of Bob Lind’s “Elusive Butterfly of Love” (lately returned to my set list); hence, a stylized butterfly included as a addendum flourish to her autograph.  Instant indelible improvisation.

Conrad Brudi

Fiona Colello









Lily Silver

George Brudi








Dax Millam

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Stephanie Porter – 10 February 2024

Stephanie Porter – Sunset Hill Community Association  – 10 February 2024

The venue was the Sunset Hill Community Hall, where I am a regular open mic performer.  Jazz stylist Porter was the entertainment for the annual meeting.  Great pipes, localist-informed warm rapport, and the first time I’ve heard lyrics to “Desafinado”!  (Slight digression here, as I delve into the history and twists and turns of Desafinado, good luck with this website!( › desafinado-stories-of-standards ).

Stephanie Porter

Tony Foster









Steve Yusen

Geoff Cooke

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Carl Christensen & the Local Flora Band – 27 January 2024

Carl Christensen & the Local Flora Band – Conor Byrne Pub, Seattle – 27 January 2024

This was billed as Carl Christensen & the Local Flora Band “Second Crossover Episode”.  The format called for a series of singer/songwriters (including Chistensen himself) to each perform a couple of numbers solo, and then a couple more backed by the full-on band.  A great strategy for maximizing attendance at the pub, as well as my opportunity to experience a broader assortment of performers in a concentrated time/space.  And talk about concentrated!  I abandoned all hope of using any medium other than the most basic, a Sharpie.  I no longer have the stamina for extended standing sessions amid a crowd, so I ducked after the first three acts.

Carl Christensen

Avi Knight

Jesse Floyd









Tom Corey

Tim Sturgill









Amy Laybourn

FM Stereochild









Taryn Hadfield

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Tuba Duo – 24 December 2023

Tuba Duo –   Ballard Farmers Market  –  24 December 2023

This duo is apparently more than just of the “tuba” kind (check the last names).  Their appearance at the market is seasonal, with holiday tunes galore, arranged with tiny flourishes of tongue-in-puffed-cheek scattered throughout.

Tuba Duo

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Holiday Harps – 2 December 2023

Holiday Harps – Broadview Branch, Seattle Public Library  –  2 December 2023

Harpist Susi Hussong is a teacher, and this was a student recital.  So there was some range of skill among the players in rendering the holiday-themed program, which alternated between solo and ensemble (of various size) performances.  Even those towards the beginner end of the scale projected delight!  There were about 10 harps in the crowded room, and even more performers, so there was some seat-and-instrument switching, a kind of “musical harps” shuffle (groan, yes I did go there), with occasional accompaniment by bells, violin, guitar.   Hussong herself did not perform; seated next to me, she gently silently exhorted, and conducted for the ensemble selections.  Everyone had their chance to shine, though I could manage only four portraits.

Molly Keller

Aeron Langford









Molly Gough

Poppy Neukom

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Busking Seattle – 29 October 2023

Busking Seattle – Ballard Farmers Market  –  29 October 2023

Two solo guitar/singer acts this day.  Rubin I had actually seen on an earlier date, but just as he as finishing his set and dashing off to his waiting ride.  He channels the youthful Bob Zimmerman pretty well.  Evergreen, with a fuller voice that suggested some formal training, was into Paul Simon’s “Kathy’s Song” when I came upon him.  He kept returning here and there to repeat the same verses in what I’d call a fragmented way, and I thought to myself, “Oh no, a one-song set” (nice turn of trick reffing One-Trick Pony, whose stream of consciousness ends up at Blair Brown (  Yes, I’ll always digress to strain shoulder self-back-patting!  But he (like me) snapped out of it and moved on to other stuff, to my relief and enjoyment.

Marty Rubin

Jonathan Evergreen

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Urban Sketchers – 26 October 2023

Urban Sketchers – Swansons Nursery, Seattle  – 26 October 2023

Swansons is a scenic and accommodating establishment; in the past I have scored numerous plants there for my own vegetable garden.  My original intention was to just go with graphite, a recently acquired (see the August 2nd USk posting) vintage Eagle “Chemi-Sealed” Draughting 314 pencil, to better familiarize myself with its capabilities.  But later I decided to go further with the Bladimiro portrait, so I added substantial watercolor, colored pencil, and Photoshop chromatics at home.  The photo shows me at work on the Buddhas.  Fay had trouble tearing herself away from the sketching, and nearly missed the throwdown and group photo (which I have not yet gotten my hands on).

Pumpkins Center Stage










Parker & Kay sketching Buddhas

Buddhas, etc.









Bladimiro stringing the lights


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