Jim Campilongo Trio – Greenwich Library Cole Auditorium – March 19, 2017
Three in a row for Greenwich Library, hats off! Campilongo is the “Master of the Telecaster”. He’s wonky into his guitar specs, and he knows what sounds he wants and which precise hardware configuration will deliver. As testimony to this outcome, Fender has a signature model of his axe in production. And the foot pedal/effects he played through: zero, no crutches. I’m still not sure how he got the tremolo effect without the whammy bar, but am beyond caring. Aside from Dion doing vocals on the cover of Cream’s “Politician”, this was an all-instrumental set. The jazz-oriented and hillbilly hiccup music was at a moderate volume, but the rock stuff was LOUD. Poor planning had the leader’s portrait spilling onto the facing page, so the two pieces reassembled in a slapdash manner. Campilongo was Sharpie-less at the merch signing table afterwards, so I left him mine to use and keep, as me & Toots departed for supper.