Busking New York City – May 16, 2019

Busking New York City  –  May 16, 2019

I had the craziest experience with busker JasminFire, who was playing in the Herald Square (34th Street) subway station, which is a reliable standby for busker performances.  When I arrived at the station I could hear some suspicious sounds, so I knew something was going on.  I checked all the usual busker hot spots, but no dice. Wherever I was in the station, I was hearing sounds that I couldn’t quite put my finger on, they seemed so evanescent, not sticking around long enough for me to get a fix and home in.  I must have spent at least ten minutes trying to track down the sounds, and I couldn’t even identify the instrument that was producing them.  Somehow the routine task of finding a performing musician had become mystifyingly difficult.  Eventually I came upon violinist JasminFire and her ample chops on the BMT platform, and chalked the experience up to just randomness.  Later in the day I shared this experience with my son Jacob, who told me that there was a “sound installation” artwork at that station!  (https://www.janneysound.com/project/reach-new-york/).  And it’s been there since 1995!  So that explains that.  Witkowsi’s performance in Bryant Park was part of a regular program of piano music there; assuming the pianists are getting paid by the program, this is perhaps technically not busking, but what the hey!


Mylez Gittens

Deanna Witkowski

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One Response to Busking New York City – May 16, 2019

  1. Thanks for the sketch, Parker! Piano in the Park is definitely not busking– it’s part of a longrunning annual series that I’ve played in for the past 14 years. Here’s the site with info: https://bryantpark.org/programs/piano

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