World-Wide Sketchcrawl #76 – 23 July 2022

World-Wide Sketchcrawl #76 – Kerry Park, Seattle  –  23 July 2022

About 40 USk sketches from Seattle gathered at Kerry Park. The day was mild, but a bit hazy, so that iconic Mount Rainier could not be seen, although the Space Needle could be. The park has its own iconic feature, the sculpture “Changing Form” by Doris Chase. Additional sketches can be viewed at #worldwidesketchcrawl and #worldwidesketchcrawl76.



By Sally Drew


By Sheilam Callahan


By Suzanne Shaw




By Tina Koyama

Parsons Garden


Queen Anne United Methodist Church


Kerry Park Panorama











Throwdown Left



Throwdown Center


Throwdown Right


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